Progress - October 2021
- I have removed some files that I found to be inconvienent and incompatible because restyling them would be a useless workload
- However, I did find better design to my tastes and even learned more complex features of Javascript
- Things that I'm learning at the moment:
- DOM manipulation, I have learned how to add, remove, and modify elements on the web page. I am currently working on a list program until I feel satisfied with the project
- I have also experimented with iterators and looping. I have a basic understanding but hopefully I can find projects that will use this heavily so I can gain a profiency for it. Maybe a mutual friends thing?
- Better, faster, and streamlined design. I have no clue on whether my design looks good, but I'll do my best to make it look better and unified. Other than that, I found out that you can link multiple CSS files to one html page, so I can have a general CSS file for general design, and then create a second one for specific design for that page. This helps a lot, especially since I plan to implement the navigation to every page.
- I will be able to update the design for the working part of my project, but the other two projects will still have to be withheld
- Things I want to get done by the end of this year:
- An updated design making the web experience smoother
- Adding an about me page where I'll show what I aspire to be and what I'm doing now.
- Add more projects that involve the coding cycle.